Fracture Surgery

Best Fracture Surgery in Jaipur

Best Fracture Surgery in Jaipur - Jaipur Hospital

Every age group is susceptible to bone fractures, which are an extremely common injury. See your physician or a surgeon about what you should do if you break a bone. The best fracture surgery in Jaipur may also be obtained by visiting Jaipur Hospital. The majority of bone breakers fully recover and are able to resume their pre-injury activities and routines with no lasting effects. Take your time recovering. Although it can be annoying, giving your body the time it needs to mend is the greatest approach to prevent more damage to your bone while it is healing.

What Is Bone Fracture?

Bones comprise our skeleton. Connective tissue in the form of bones is strengthened by calcium and bone cells. Bone marrow, the softer center of bones, is where blood cells are produced. Our skeleton’s primary jobs include safeguarding our internal organs, allowing for movement, and supporting our body.

When a force applied to a bone exceeds its strength, the result is a fractured or broken bone. This weakens and fractures the bone, causing discomfort, loss of function, and occasionally bleeding and other injuries nearby.  A plaster cast can be used to immobilize the bone, or surgical metal rods or plates can be inserted to hold the fragments of bone together. Surgery and surgical traction may be required for certain complex fractures.

What is the treatment for bone fractures?

How your bone is treated depends on the kind of fracture, where it happened, and how much bone damage there is.

  • Immobilization of Fracture: If your fracture is mild and your bones have not migrated considerably out of place, you might not need a cast or splint. This will stabilize the injury for patient transfer and prevent further damage to the skeleton, nervous system, and soft tissues. Splinting usually takes three to five weeks to complete. If necessary, a cast may be required for a prolonged duration of six to eight weeks.
  • Closed reduction: To repair more serious bone breaks, a closed reduction is required. During this non-surgical procedure, doctors will physically push and pull your body from the outside to realign the shattered bones inside of you.
Bone fracture surgery
  • In cases of certain bone fractures, surgery is required. Depending on the type of fracture you have and the extent of the bone injury, your surgeon may use one of several techniques.
  • Internal fixation: Your surgeon will realign your bones to their correct position and then secure them in place to let them to heal and grow back together. They usually do an internal fixation, which is a procedure where the surgeon inserts tiny metal pieces into your bone to stabilize it while it heals.
  • External fixation: The surgeon drills holes in your bone on either side of the internal fracture and attaches the screws to a brace or bracket around the bone outside of your body. This is typically done as a temporary treatment to stabilize your fracture and give it time to heal before getting an internal fixation.
  • Arthroplasty: If you break a joint, such as your elbow, knee, or shoulder, you can need an arthroplasty (joint replacement). Your surgeon will remove the injured joint and replace it with an artificial one. Metal, ceramic, or sturdy plastic can be used to create the prosthesis, also known as a prosthetic joint. Your original joint’s appearance and action will be same in the replacement joint.
  • Bone grafting: You could need bone grafting if your fracture is severely displaced or if your bone isn’t growing back together properly. The surgeon will add extra bone tissue to fix your damaged bone. After that, an internal fixation is made. After that, the pieces are usually held together while your bone regenerates by an internal fixation.

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