Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine Hospital in Jaipur

Best Internal Medicine Hospital in Jaipur

Internal Medicine is a medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases. In this, physicians apply scientific knowledge and clinical expertise primarily to diagnose and treat adult patients with a very vast range of health concerns and diseases including chronic conditions such as heart disease.

Physicians who specialize in internal medicine are called internists or general internists. For internal medicine, three additional years of training are required that focuses on preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases that affect adults, after medical school in adult medicine which shows a step ahead in the field of medical based on experience.

Internists play a vital role in our life as they are always ready to help. As there is a famous quote: “Prevention is better than cure”. The above quote is rightly said and it has really special meaning in the term of medical. Internal medicine doctors firstly and especially focus on prevention.

This applies both to prevent the onset of disease and prevent existing health conditions from worsening. Nowadays, no one is completing healthy. Everyone is suffering from some disease.

So, we must always go for a medical check up whether in a month or quarterly regardless of thinking that we are fit or we can be cured at home by yourself.

Conditions that are diagnosed and treated by the Internal Medicine Physicians:

Asthma, Bronchitis, Chest pain, Diabetes, Fatigue, High blood cholesterol Hypertension(high blood pressure), Hypothyroidism, Influenza, Menopause, Migraine, Pneumonia, Acute respiratory infections, Osteoarthritis.

Complete diagnosis as well as treatment of both acute and chronic health conditions and lifestyle disorders is offered by our team of highly trained and experienced doctors. Comprehensive outpatient services together with complete care of the hospitalized patients suffering from extensive array of ailments are rendered using the latest technologies. 

The healthcare team consists of certified physicians of general medicine that offer care and treatment to patients regardless of their age. The team works in sync with specialty divisions in the hospital so that in-depth evaluation of the condition of the patient is carried out.


Debridement is the removal of dead (necrotic) or infected skin tissue to help a wound heal. The procedure is essential for wounds that aren’t getting better. Usually, these wounds are trapped in the first stage of healing. When bad tissue is removed, the wound can restart the healing process.

Why Jaipur hospital?

In Jaipur hospital, we provide a complete diagnosis as well as treatment of both acute and chronic health conditions by our team of professionally trained doctors who carry years of experience. 

Our hospital have super-certified physicians of general medicine that offer special care and attention to their patients. To provide top class treatment, we have all modern technologies and advanced labs. 

Our team works in a large diversity. They always go in-depth examination of any disease before proceeding to any conclusion,so that they can get proper knowledge of the condition of the patient by which they are able to provide the right treatment to the patient. We also believe in prevention and always ready to prevent.

For example,if you have high blood pressure issue,we prevent it from elevating by giving you the right medicine by consulting with our expert doctors. We have also an expert medicine team. We always try to prevent the consequences of high blood pressure which can be a heart attack further.

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