HDL vs LDL Cholesterol: What’s the Difference?

HDL vs LDL Cholesterol What's the Difference

Introduction of HDL vs LDL Cholesterol: Lipoproteins carry cholesterol through the bloodstream. Cholesterol travels in two different types of lipoproteins: It is often called “bad” cholesterol because low-density lipoprotein (LDL) makes up most of your body’s cholesterol. Excessive LDL cholesterol is linked to heart disease and strokes. This type of cholesterol, also known as HDL … Read more

High Blood Pressure: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

High Blood Pressure Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

The condition of high blood pressure (hypertension) poses a danger if left untreated. The disease can lead to strokes, heart failure, kidney failure, and other medical issues. You can lower your blood pressure by changing what you eat, exercising more, and taking your medicine. What is Hypertension? An artery is a blood vessel with a … Read more

High Estrogen : Symptoms, Cause and Treatment

High Estrogen Symptoms, Cause and Treatment

Estrogen is a type of sex hormone that plays a necessary role in the body and can affect many aspects of health, including weight gain, low mood, and severe premenstrual syndrome in females. Estrogen is not only found in females but also in men in smaller amounts. It’s common for estrogen levels to grow and … Read more

High Cholesterol: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

High Cholesterol Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

What is Cholesterol? Lipids include cholesterol. This substance is waxy and fat-like and is produced by your liver. The body needs calcium for the synthesis of cell membranes, hormones, and vitamin D. Cholesterol can’t pass through your blood on its own since it does not dissolve in water. Lipoproteins are produced by your liver to … Read more

Allergies: Types, Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Allergies Types, Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

The immune system reacts to a foreign substance, such as pollen, bee stings, pet dander, or a food that most people do not react to. Antibodies are substances produced by your immune system. Allergies are caused by the immune system creating antibodies to identify an allergen as harmful, even if it is not. An allergen … Read more

Simple Dinner Ideas for Healthy Eating in Real Life

Simple Dinner Ideas for Healthy Eating in Real Life

It is important to adopt healthy eating habits in order to be healthy. Maintaining good health requires a healthy diet. Our well-being is greatly affected by the food we eat. A good dinner is one that you can prepare quickly and eat right away so that you have more time with your family. After a … Read more

Heart Transplant: Procedure, Risks, and Recovery

Heart Transplant Procedure, Risks, and Recovery

What is a Heart Transplant? The goal of a heart transplant is to replace an inoperable heart with one that has been taken from a healthy donor. The donation of organs is the result of a person’s family agreeing to donate their loved one’s organs (who has died or going to die). The most serious … Read more

Common Summer illnesses Problems During Summer Season  

Common Summer illnesses Problems During Summer Season

We all know that certain diseases are more prevalent in certain seasons than in others. Winter brings colds, flu, and coughs, the monsoon produces dengue and malaria, and summer causes diarrhea. As well as these diseases, summer brings along several other health problems, ranging from simple ones such as headaches, skin rashes, sunburns, etc. to … Read more

Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Stages, Types, and Treatment

Breast Cancer Symptoms, Stages, Types, and Treatment

As you age and gain weight, your chances of developing breast cancer increase. Breast cancer is caused when cells in your breast grow and divide uncontrollably, creating a mass of tissue called a tumor. Women who have breast cancer may feel a lump in their breast, experience changes to their breast size, or notice changes … Read more

Diet Tips to Maintain a Healthy Weight

Nowadays, a healthy diet is very important to maintain a proper body. Due to improper diet tips, people suffer from various illnesses and health problems. Our weight is directly or indirectly affected by improper diet. The trend has been shifting away from green vegetables and fruits in favor of packaged or zipped foods, causing body … Read more

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